You have probably heard sales, marketing, and digital marketing people talk about the Buyer Persona, a representation of the customer to whom a product/service is directed. An “avatar” that describes in great detail who they are: their age, preferences, likes, fears, challenges, motivations, and more!
It’s not the target audience! It’s a person with defined characteristics that allow us to approach our audience more accurately, conveying the message, tone, words… all through the right channels and thus captivating and making that person feel identified with our solution.
But why do we talk about Buyer Persona in Knowledge Management?
Once we have clear what critical knowledge is, we establish a roadmap that defines, among other things, which actions will be directed towards which people.
And it is at this point where it is recommended to characterize them, to know them in detail and to design high-impact knowledge experiences where people feel a strategy that is close, possible and where they really feel involved.
What questions can we answer through the Buyer Persona?
How to communicate the impact of the strategy? What problems are we helping to solve through knowledge management? (directly or indirectly) What do we expect from them? How do they project themselves? Do they have a clear development plan in the organization? What experiences have they had with similar processes? What do they expect from the knowledge management strategy? What motivates them to deliver and receive knowledge? How to guide a recognition strategy? What is the best way to deliver information about the knowledge management strategy? Details matter! What are their schedules according to their occupations? Do they have other family or personal commitments before or after their workday? What technology to use and how? What knowledge management tools to put at their service and methodology? (micro-content, workshops, interaction, virtuality, face-to-face…)
Identifying critical knowledge is vital for the strategy, but characterizing and empathizing based on an understanding of the people for whom we are creating the strategy is key to ensuring continuity, ownership, and a culture of knowledge.