
Leaders: allies in knowledge management

Knowledge management involves all the processes of an organization since it enables different initiatives across the entire value chain. Adequate knowledge management can result in new products, services, savings, achievements, alliances, and countless possibilities that enable the achievement of the business project.

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Let’s enable knowledge management from the organizational culture

Organizational culture, that characteristic trait that makes the difference between one organization and another from its essence, can be understood from two perspectives: from the obvious, it is reflected in the way of dressing, speaking, working, with its schedules, hierarchy, and organizational structure, among others. However, there are things that are not so clear at first sight, which require a little analysis, for example, the relationship with its stakeholders, communication between work teams, the degree of autonomy of leaders to make decisions, the ability of its members to converse and verbalize what they are feeling.

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Buyer Persona in Knowledge Management strategy

You have probably heard sales, marketing, and digital marketing people talk about the Buyer Persona, a representation of the customer to whom a product/service is directed. An "avatar" that describes in great detail who they are: their age, preferences, likes, fears, challenges, motivations, and more!

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3 aspects you can measure in your Knowledge Management strategy

Define the objectives, short-term, medium-term, and long-term expectations from the beginning, and associate indicators and critical success factors to control, make improvements, and present results to the organization.

🙌🏻We present three aspects that you can measure:

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